While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:59-60)
I remember as a teenager going to the school’s store as many students did to buy some candy. The store was crowded, and thinking it was like any other store where you pick up what you want and then pay for it, I was dramatically corrected as the manager behind the counter grabbed my wrist tightly as I was about to pick out some candy and said that I am to tell him what I want and he will get it. As a teen, I was mortified.
We can all think of instances where someone has not treated us as they should. It could have been years ago, yesterday or maybe even today. We remember every detail, how we felt, what was said, the tone, the body language—everything. We hold onto it and think of how unjust it all was and sometimes think of what we should have done or said. Jesus says to let it go—it’s not worth holding onto. Jesus isn’t saying that being treated unjustly is okay. He is saying that there are more important things to focus on—kingdom things like forgiveness.
On the cross, Jesus asked God to forgive those who were persecuting him, because they didn’t know what they were doing. It was premeditated, but they didn’t fully understand what they were doing. Stephen also asked God to forgive them. He knew they didn’t understand.
Letting go is difficult sometimes, but it is for our good. Such freedom is experienced in letting go. God is glorified as you let go. Letting go gets easier as practice trusting God in all things.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for forgiving me of my sin. I pray that I can let go of things done to me in the past and present so that I can glorify you, and show what your love means. I want to be free in you. Amen.
Faith tip: Think of an injustice done to you and write it down describing every detail. Praise God for the forgiveness shown to you, and in obedience, forgive the one who treated you wrongly. Crumple up the paper and throw it away as a sign of throwing away the anger and bitterness you held onto. Be free!
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